In language arts, the sixth graders are continuing their investigation of Greek mythology. This week, they explored themes present in the story of Pandora's box.
As part of All Abilities Month, the middle school students participated in a presentation by Acting Without Boundaries, an organization that empowers indivdual swith physical disabilities through theater. Our students learned about the ways that some AWB members adapt their environments to make them more accessible.
Sophia and Sam participated in a simulation designed to show how an everyday task, such as putting on a shirt, can be challenging for a person with a disability. The AWB members shared with our students that although their lives have some differences, they enjoy many of the same experiences as most people.
Our very own Mrs. Cefaratti woks closely with AWB, and helps to direct their performances.
October 30th is the Mission Party - half day for students
Please put names in sweats
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