Happy Spring! Highlights from Planting Day: Last Friday, the entire school participated in Planting Day. From Early Childhood through 8th grade, the students came together to plant the seeds that will become HCA's Organic Garden this summer. Early Childhood looked at root gardens and planted carrots, radishes, and onions. Lower School planted marigolds to take home. Middle School led the charge in planting the vegetables. We planted: tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, peas, sweet peppers, zucchini, carrot, spinach, radish, and lettuce. The 6th grade incorporated their unit on soil into Planting Day. We took soil samples from the Organic Garden and tested the soil's texture and fertility. The consensus is that we have sandy loam, which is soil with very little clay, but healthy levels of sand and silt. Below are photos of the progress our tiny plants have already made! Everything is kept in the science lab until the weather is warm enough to put them in their homes outside....