While the nation awaits election results, the sixth graders at HCA have a decision! In homeroom, they held a mock election and Joe Biden emerged as the winner. Lord Voldemort (a fictional character from Harry Potter) came in at a close second.
Ms. Zafiris's math class is hard at work tackling the division of fractions.
Our sixth grade will soon be undertaking their very first science fair projects. For some inspiration, the students explored last year's projects. Soon they will propose their own research topics. Stay tuned to learn more about their investigations.
November 6, 2020
Parents - please fill out Pick Up patrol every morning, even if your child will not be attending school that day.
As part of initiatives to keep our students well, we ask that snacks and lunches contain minimal sugar. Students may not bring SODA to school.
The STEAM Lab is cold. Students are encouraged to have HCA sweatshirt or blazers over their uniforms on STEAM days.
New spirit wear link. 20% off until November 15th
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